Print layout

Below are samples from inside of print book showing the layout, illustrations and chapter ornamentations, together with the map and the dictionary of Teufelisms:

Thunderpaws image of map pages from the softback editionThunderpaws-dictionary-of-Teufelisms-page-spread Thunderpaws chapter 7 page spread from the softback editionThunderpaws page spread of chapter 13 from the softback editionThunderpaws page spread showing chapter 17 from the softback editionThunderpaws page spread from chapter 28 of the softback edition

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This is a wonderful read for anyone aged 9 to 90. Think Harry Potter meets Horrible Histories… I’m in my 50’s and enjoyed it immensely. I fell in love with Thunderpaws and can’t wait for his next adventures. The cat mannerisms are hilarious and very true to life. The book is a piece of art and beautiful to hold and read from and the illustrations are wonderful. I’m not going to give much away as you need to read this alone or with a child and become lost in its magic xxx

Rachel, Goodreads