Limited-time launch offer: up to 50% off Thunderpaws!

Thunderpaws was sweated over.
Every chapter, page, paragraph, line, word.
The layout of each print page.
The full colour ebook.
The acted audio.
Enter the mind of a cat.
In one of the world's most infamous places.
Facing challenges he could never imagine.
Saving us all – while being accidentally funny...
What makes Thunderpaws different?

For readers
not a reading age
Thunderpaws wasn't written to an age group – it's for readers who love stories: adults and kids
For story lovers
not just a genre
A fast and funny fantasy action adventure – it's packed with British humour, edgy and literary
A cat, his typist
and 5 artists
Crafted with: MonoKubo, Robyn Lawrence, Adam Gillen, Noma Bar and Claire Mason
The beginning
of the catology
Thunderpaws and the Tower of London is Book 1 in the Nature's Claw catology – a colour trilogy
The Thunderpaws experience
What to expect
Thunderpaws wakes in a strange dark cellar. A disco-tailed mouse saying he’s here to save the world.
He finds he’s moved to the Tower of London – one of the world’s most infamous places. Excited to impose himself Thunderpaws spots the perfect opportunity – a big crow – not knowing the Tower’s duty is to impose itself on you.
This first attack (on what’s actually a world famous raven) is forgiven. The second time, the royal ghosts intervene and Thunderpaws begins to discover the consequences of life at the Tower.
More elements
The promise
The first edition set the foundations of Thunderpaws. On silk paper, it's described as 'beautiful to hold and read'. This new edition brings a fresh design and Italy's best art book printer. Our guarantee – if you don’t love it on arrival, just return for a refund.
'Might be the next
Great British phenomenon'
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
'Read, Audibled and re-read, means I really enjoyed it!'
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
'Ultimate power
is in the characterisation'
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Choose your cat

– ready to dive in?

(Limited pre-Christmas print stock)